Dear Alex Kosh, You are the worst writer in history! You put out single, amazing books in English tnen leave it there, forcing us English readers to look at it and yell at you inside our heads for the cliffhanger you give! You are an amazing writer that simply shouldn't do this! Please, release something us English readers can enjoy! Sincerely Apologetic For Anger, A Frustrated Reader
Hello, my dear reader. I'm very sorry, but the translation of books into English is very expensive. I would like to translate all books into English, but do not have the financial capacity to this right now. I'm looking for opportunities to do so.
Dear Alex Kosh, You are the worst writer in history! You put out single, amazing books in English tnen leave it there, forcing us English readers to look at it and yell at you inside our heads for the cliffhanger you give! You are an amazing writer that simply shouldn't do this! Please, release something us English readers can enjoy! Sincerely Apologetic For Anger, A Frustrated Reader
Вообще, если у тебя есть авторские права на оригинальную версию, то права на все переведенные книги на иностранный язык сохраняются за тобой.
Я-то с английским не дружу, да и за продажи английской версии до сих пор ни цента не получил =) Киданули меня слегка.
Все бы прекрасно, перевод книги для англоязычных поклонников и тому подобное, но кто ж такой умный перевел слово "факультет" как "faculty"?
Переводчику очень неплохо бы познакомиться с терминологией по теме "высшее образование" на английском языке.
Ну и just for your information, факультет по-английски - departement. Faculty - это преподавательский состав.
Спасибо, что дали высказаться слегка сбитому с толку лингвисту
И рад бы, но у меня прав нет =)
Hello, my dear reader.
I'm very sorry, but the translation of books into English is very expensive. I would like to translate all books into English, but do not have the financial capacity to this right now.
I'm looking for opportunities to do so.
You are the worst writer in history! You put out single, amazing books in English tnen leave it there, forcing us English readers to look at it and yell at you inside our heads for the cliffhanger you give! You are an amazing writer that simply shouldn't do this! Please, release something us English readers can enjoy!
Sincerely Apologetic For Anger,
A Frustrated Reader
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